

Shop online

We're crafting an innovative shopping experience just for you at https://buyyarnonline.square.site/
There might be some bumps to iron out, and some item pictures to be added, so thank you for your patience and understanding! Please call us at 1-833-287-5668 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if things don't work out!


Trendy's Sit and Stitch

A free to attend weekly gathering at Trendy or what Knot Yarns and Gifts for crafters in all disciplines.
Come armed with your project bags and bring your friends! 
(not limited to knitting! all disciplines are welcome! no teaching!)

Every Thursday evening from 5:00pm-7:00pm at the store
(in summer we meet at Fraser River Heritage Park!).

How to get here